Friday, December 6, 2013

Looking forward to all the NEW

Recently I have been doing some soul searching. I'm sure that it is mostly due to the fact that I have been unemployed for 2 months and sick for the last 3 weeks so cabin fever is starting to set in. I start my new job next Friday... as in Friday the 13th... and I can't wait! My friend is the manager so it hopefully will be an easy transition. She thinks that I will fit right in and do well so fingers crossed she's right. It is in the next town over so when I can afford it, I'm thinking that is where I'm going to look to get a place. Just me and the pooch!!

On the boy side of things, the ex and I broke up a couple months ago and since then I was kinda seeing someone but it was a long distance thing and we just kinda stopped talking... The ex and I started talking this passed week, but last night was a little rough and that is definitely a road that I do NOT want to go down again. People say they have, can, and will change but you can't change who you are. So I'm really going to try to just focus on me and getting my life together. 

Health has become a huge problem in my life. My weight is out of control and it is causing issues with other parts of my body. My tailbone has been painful because of too much weight on my hips, my blood pressure is now high and I have to take a daily pill, and I'm super unhappy with myself in general. I was doing well with eating right and on the treadmill or taking a walk everyday, but I'm currently on a 3 week period of being sick so I can't get on the treadmill and eating right has been taken over by soups and powerade. Hopefully I will start feeling better soon so I can get back on the proverbial horse and also with work starting soon I want to be at my best. Plus January is coming... you know what that means... new year's resolution time!

Trying to stay on the positive side of things right now although it has been raining over my head lately. New job, hopefully new town, and soon to come a new outlook on life!!!!

XOXO Ashley

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Sha boo ya ROLL CALL!

Hey there!!!! My name is Ashley and welcome to my blog! I am a country girl at heart with a peppy cheerleader attitude in almost every situation! I'm about to start a new job working at a bank so I'm looking forward to that and hopefully meeting some new people with some fun new stories. 

A few months ago I moved in with my parents. They are great parents and I don't mind living there, but moving home once your an adult makes you feel like a loser, just sayin. Plans to get my own place are on hold until I see what I can afford at the new job. 

Some things you can expect from my blog are tons of pictures of my dog, some colorful language here and there, tales of my crazy weekend adventures, complaints of my weight and attempted diet and exercise plans, and things from everyday life. 

Here is a little roll call of who you can expect to hear about   :)

That's me! I'm 25 years old and totally freaking out about it. That is an entire quarter of a century! And before you scoff at that, I have a few friends who said that was one of their hardest birthdays so I'm not out of line!

This is my pooch Dakota. He is a queensland heeler, australian shepherd mix and a little over a year old. He is such a goof, a trait that I can't imagine where he picked up, and a huge lover.  

These are my parents. They rock! They are the perfect example of what a relationship is supposed to be and I hope to have a marriage like theirs. 

This is Barbie. She is the one who handles the karma in my life. I find my self asking her for help in certain situations, but she is usually too busy milking a hangover in the dream house with Ken to bother with anything. 

After all of that, if you are still with me, you rock my friend. I suppose that is enough for now. Feel free to comment and/or follow at any time. Hope to see you around! :)
